February 16, 2022
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A truly sparkling event, the city employees, Mayor and Aldermen, and about twenty-five Shavano Park Women enjoyed a home prepared luncheon amid a ‘Winter Wonderland’ themed décor. Cute large and small snowmen adorned every table, nook and cranny and there were dishes of every variety to sample. After Mayor Werner’s welcome, City Manager Bill Hill offered thanks for the bountiful food and the volunteers who had prepared it. It was a beautiful day, both inside and outside with sunshine and happiness for the opportunity to gather in person again. The employees especially enjoyed the return to home prepared dishes. And it was obvious that all enjoyed the in-person event as they lingered over desserts and coffee to visit and get acquainted. A big thanks to our Vice President, Helenan Polansky, as well as, all the volunteers who helped make the event a success.