January 18, 2024
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In celebration of tea month, our first quarterly Business Meeting was a tea party at the Bread Box. Our new president, DeAnna Guerrero, conducted our first meeting of the year. She presented Helenan Polansky, outgoing Vice President, with a thank you gift from the organization. Maggi Kautz lead the installation of the 2024 SPW Board. Once our work was completed, it was time to spill the tea about tea. Adrienne King shared her experiences and knowledge of all things related to tea including afternoon and high tea. What a wonderful way to begin 2024!
Helenan we truly appreciate your many contributions to the organization over the last 2 years. As a tribute to our Garden Club roots, each guest received a selection of yaupon holly teas and a handout which noted its health benefits. Yaupon holly is a native plant found throughout our city, most notably at the entrance of Shavano Park City Hall. It was historically used as a part of friendship and healing ceremonies.
SPW would like to extend a special thank you to Adrienne and Mary Young for making this event so special!