December 11, 2022
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Tis the Season for the SPW Holiday Party - Good Cheer, Good Friends, and Good Food!
Board members met and welcomed our members and their guests at door. Where they were registered for the door prize drawings.
We collected over $700 in cash donations for St. Francis of Assisi's Mobile Loaves & Fishes Ministry, which provides food, clothing, and dignity to our brothers and sisters in need.
Santa (aka Lee Powers) mingled with the guests making note of who had been naughty and who had been nice this year. There were lot of photo opportunities and time to visit with old and new friends.
Our president, Lori Fanning, and the mayor, Bob Werner shared a few words with us.
We even had entertainment! The talented Joe McColley played guitar. Raul Salas and Mike Day lead us in a couple of carols.
Our City Manager, Bill Hill, said the prayer before our delicious catered dinner of turkey and stuffing. Appetizers, sides and desserts were provided by SPW members. The leftovers were packaged up and taken to the Shavano Park Fire Department.
Our sincere thanks to Dick and Diane Gomez for opening their beautiful home to us! A huge thank you to the Committee Members (Marti Buchholtz, Martha Salas, Elsa Jasso, Glenda Bibb, Kit Fuller, Diane Struve) who gave their time and talent to make this a special evening for all!