June 29, 2024
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Shavano Park celebrated our nation's independence with a Picnic In The Park themed party on the grounds of city hall. Attendees were treated to:
Patriotic parade around the traffic circle
Patriotic baking contest
A flag retirement ceremony
Pony rides and a petting zoo
Face painting
Bounce house
A water park with slides and water balloons
A visit from McGruff - The Crime Fighting Dog
The Doug Winn Band provided live music for the festivities
For this year's festivities, SPW added some fun new activities: Give us your John Hancock and Fun Facts of the Founding Fathers. SPW booth handed out water to help keep our citizens hydrated and poppers which were enjoyed by kids and adults alike.
Many thanks to SPW volunteers for enduring the heat to help make this event a success for our city. A good time was had by all. What a wonderful way to celebrate our nation's independence!
Video from the parade around the traffic circle.
The following pictures are of the parade and baking contest winners.