December 15, 2023
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The annual Share the Warmth donation drive was held October 15th through December 15th and is now complete for 2023. We delivered truckloads of donations by the end of our drive. The drive was a huge success thanks to the generosity of everyone. There were so many happy and blessed recipients.
This year donations were delivered to:
Strong Foundation Ministries - housing homeless families with children
Assitance League San Antonio - transforms lives of childen and adults through many programs
New Way Church - low income location providing warm clothing to the community
Robyn's Nest - traveling classroom to low income apartments and homeless shetlers
Broken Warriors Angels - providing opportunites, food and shelter for homeless and disabled veterans and their families
St. Francis of Assisi Loaves and Fishes - providing food and clothing to those in need
Crosspoint - mental health counseling, substance abuse treatment, residential services and community reintegration
Thanks to everyone who contributed to make our 2023 Share the Warmth drive a success! A special thanks to our President, Lori Fanning, and her husband, Shawn, whose tireless efforts ensure the success of Share the Warmth!