December 9, 2022
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The Share the Warmth donation drive is complete for 2022. We delivered truckloads of donations by the end of our drive. The drive was a huge success thanks to the generosity of everyone. This year donations were delivered to:
Love Covers Me
Jacqueline Smith Foundation
New Way Church
San Antonio Coalition for Veterans and Families
Broken Warriors Angels
Fishes and Loaves
The following is only a partial list/description of the deliveries:
Share the Warmth delivered 22 bags of clothes and 20 backpacks to the Jacqueline Smith Foundation. She helps veterans, the under privileged and the homeless.
Love Covers Me - 10 bags of clothes and 15 backpacks
Broken Warrior Angels - 27 backpacks, 32 bags of clothing and living room furniture
San Antonio Coalitions of Veterans and Families - 15 backpacks
New Way Church - 3 truckloads filled with bags of clothes. Plus an artificial Christmas tree and decorations
The backpacks were filled with items for the homeless - blanket, snacks, toiletries and a Wal Mart gift card.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to make our 2022 Share the Warmth drive a success! A special thanks to our President, Lori Fanning, and her husband, Shawn, whose tireless efforts ensure the success of Share the Warmth!