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Decorating City Hall For The Holidays & Our 4th Quarter Business Meeting

November 14, 2024

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To kick off the holiday season, we hosted a Friendsgiving Brunch as a part of our 4th Quarter Business Meeting and then wrapped up the event by decorating city hall for the holidays. Putting up the decorations was truly a team effort and the results were spectacular.

Our Friendsgiving Brunch was a hit. The brunch selections were delectable and everyone had a great time catching up with their Shavano Park friends.

SPW also conducted our 4th Quarter Business Meeting during which we elected and installed the Board for 2025 and approved the budget for the upcoming year. The following ladies will be serving as your SPW 2025 Board:

DeAnna Guerrero - President

Becky Kassner - Vice President for Board Programs and Business Meetings

Mary Young - Vice President for External Programs and Activities

Gay Miller - Secretary

Melonae Day - Treasurer

Lori Fanning - Past President

Maggie Kautz and Diane Struve - Permanent Board Members

SPW extends a sincere and heartfelt “Thank You” to everyone who helped make our city hall look its most festive for the upcoming holiday season!

Additionally, we would like to express a special note of gratitude to Mary Young and Suzy Bettac for their diligent efforts and commitment in organizing and guaranteeing the success of our events. Your efforts go a long way to make our organization successful and they are greatly appreciated!



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